To reflect from my previous post aeon ago, I have something to spill it out:
I have a laptop now but my sister got to use it instead.
I still have internet connection albeit in my house since I’m not in the office anymore. (Oh ya, 4mbps package FTW!!! XD)
Salary raised to thousand. Not much but hey, it’s still money, isn’t it.
I’ll have more time when I quit my job. (That’ll be another story.)
Hmm… This one will be tricky. I haven’t meet any interesting girl lately. (lolwutwtfbbq… she’s still in my mind. :3)
I think I can sleep soundly after quitting my job.
I shall make this as a life-long learning. You can’t run out of new thing to learn everyday. Further study is just part of the progress in life.
I am still alive and breathing.